Advanced Mathematics Fact Sheet

Equip Your Teachers to Serve More Students.

Prepare Your Students for College Completion.

Ensure Your Students Succeed on the AP Exams.

Developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin and leaders in the AP community, Agile Mind’s Calculus and Statistics programs are designed with these goals in mind. These programs integrate, under one umbrella, comprehensive job-embedded professional development, curricula, automatically graded assignments, test preparation, and real-time reports.

Please fill out the form below to download the fact sheet.

Resource - Advanced Mathematics Courses factsheet

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Transition to College Math Fact Sheet

The Transition to College Mathematics course helps high school seniors who have not met a college readiness measure achieve college readiness by the end of their senior year.

Please fill out the form below to download the research report.

Resource - Transition to College Math Fact Sheet

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Academic Youth Development Research Brief

This document provides research findings and data snapshots that illustrate the impact of Agile Mind’s Academic Youth Development (AYD).

Please fill out the form below to download the research report.

Resource - AYD Research Brief

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Intensified Algebra I Data Snapshots

Intensified Algebra I helps educators transform learning outcomes for those students most at risk of failing. Learn how how districts are using this program as a critical gateway to advanced mathematics and high school success.

Please fill out the form below to download the research report.

Resource - Intensified Algebra I Data Snapshots

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NCTM Principles to Action Executive Summary

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) published Principles to Actions in 2014 to connect mathematics education research with practice.

Please fill out the form below to access to the report.

Resource - NCTM Principles to Actions Executive Summary

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