EdReports Agile Mind MS & HS 2020

EdReports.org, an independent nonprofit designed to improve K-12 education, recently graded our middle school and high school mathematics with high marks for meeting expectations for Focus & Coherence as well as Rigor & Mathematical Practices in alignment with the Common Core State Standards Initiative

Agile Assessment Impact Study in Providence, RI

This document provides research findings and data snapshots from Providence (RI) Public School District’s implementation of Agile Assessment.

Please fill out the form below to download the research brief.

Resource - Agile Assessment Impact Study in Providence, RI

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Social, Emotional, and Academic Development – NCSEAD (National Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development) Fast Facts Infographic

Please fill out the form below to access to the report.

Resource - Social, Emotional, and Academic Development - NCSEAD (National Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development) Fast Facts Infogra

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Core Mathematics Data Snapshots

This document provides several examples of success from Agile Mind partners who are using our Core Mathematics programs. Further provided, are illustrations of the student achievements that districts have experienced from Agile Mind’s mathematics courses.

Please fill out the form below to download the research brief.

Resource - Core Mathematics Data Snapshots

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Academic Youth Development Research Brief

This document provides research findings and data snapshots that illustrate the impact of Agile Mind’s Academic Youth Development (AYD).

Please fill out the form below to download the research report.

Resource - AYD Research Brief

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Intensified Algebra I Data Snapshots

Intensified Algebra I helps educators transform learning outcomes for those students most at risk of failing. Learn how how districts are using this program as a critical gateway to advanced mathematics and high school success.

Please fill out the form below to download the research report.

Resource - Intensified Algebra I Data Snapshots

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