Louisiana Accelerated 8th Grade Algebra I

This overview encompasses a program description, intended audience, and more about it’s design features.

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Intensified Integrated Mathematics I Course Program

Intensified Mathematics I is an intervention program for struggling students entering freshman math. Designed to help struggling students succeed in Mathematics I and beyond, the program transforms academic beliefs and behaviors and equips teachers with cohesive resources to enable them to help students in need make dramatic achievement gains in one academic year.

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Resource - Intensified Integrated Mathematics I Course Program

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Biology Program Fact Sheet

Agile Mind’s Biology program is a comprehensive, research-based program designed for inquiry science that equips educators to help all learners succeed in this critical gateway science course.

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Resource - Biology

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Agile Accelerator for MS and HS

This supplemental program pairs today’s best assessment practices with standards-centered instructional resources to target learning needs.

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Resource - Agile Accelerator for MS and HS

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Intensified Algebra I Course Program

Intensified Algebra I is an intervention program for struggling students.

Help struggling students succeed in algebra and beyond. Transform academic beliefs and behaviors. Equip teachers with cohesive, integrated resources to enable them to help students in need.

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Resource -Intensified Algebra I Course Program

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Common Core Mathematics for Middle and High School

Comprehensive, research-based programs, tools, and services
that equip educators and learners to work and excel together.

Top Rated by EdReports.org.

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Resource - Common Core Mathematics for Middle and High School

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Academic Youth Development – Summer and School-Year Programs

Academic Youth Development (AYD)

is an innovative suite of programs that connect students’ SEL skills to challenges in school and can be used with students from late elementary school through high school.

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Resource - Academic Youth Development - Summer and School Year Programs

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Agile Assessment

Agile Assessments is a system for high-quality Middle and High School Mathematics assessments that power instructional decision-making to address standards and support teaching and learning.

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Resource - Agile Assessment

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Advanced Mathematics Fact Sheet

Equip Your Teachers to Serve More Students.

Prepare Your Students for College Completion.

Ensure Your Students Succeed on the AP Exams.

Developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin and leaders in the AP community, Agile Mind’s Calculus and Statistics programs are designed with these goals in mind. These programs integrate, under one umbrella, comprehensive job-embedded professional development, curricula, automatically graded assignments, test preparation, and real-time reports.

Please fill out the form below to download the fact sheet.

Resource - Advanced Mathematics Courses factsheet

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