Distance Learning with Agile Mind webinar

This webinar shares key resources and strategies for distance learning and how your school can leverage Agile Mind to ensure the continuity of instruction for middle- and high-school math students.

Agile Mind | Distance Learning webinar

This webinar shares strategies for distance learning and how your school can leverage Agile Mind to ensure the continuity of instruction for all of your students.

Differentiation in Secondary Mathematics

This webinar explores the key requirements of differentiation and investigates them within a mathematics context.

Please fill out the form below to access to the video.

Resource - Differentiation in Secondary Mathematics Webinar

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LA 8th Grade Algebra 1

This webinar recording provides an overview of Agile Mind’s Accelerated 8th Grade Algebra I course designed by The Charles A. Dana Center at UT, Austin.

Please fill out the form below to access to the video.

Resource - LA 8th Grade Webinar

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Agile Accelerator – Using Data to Address Learning Gaps for All Students Webinar

This webinar offers a closer look at Agile Accelerator and how it helps supplement mathematics for middle or high school students. It shows how both advanced or struggling students can best be served with this Agile Mind supplemental program/

Please fill out the form below to access to the video.

Resource - Agile Accelerator - Using Data to Address Learning Gaps for All Students Webinar

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SEL In a MTSS Framework Webinar

This webinar offers a closer look at supporting SEL, (social and emotional learning) in the context of an MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) framework. What are key instructional strategies? How can they be addressed using Agile Mind?

Please fill out the form below to access to the video.

Resource - SEL In a MTSS Framework Webinar

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Preempting Algebra Failure with Intensified Algebra/Intensified Math 1 Webinar

This webinar offers a closer look at intensification approach and how it supports Algebra I intervention to help students who may be struggling in math, catch up with their peers and stay on grade level.

Please fill out the form below to access to the video.

Resource - Preempting Algebra Failure with Intensified Algebra/Intensified Math 1 Webinar

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