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REGISTRATION CLOSED – Agile Assessment – Session

90 Minute Virtual Session: Agile Assessment partners will learn about the ins and outs of Agile Assessment during this introductory session. Participants will collaboratively build Test Designs and consider best practice when facilitating these assessments with students, including how to meaningfully interpret performance reports.

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REGISTRATION CLOSED – Advancing Your Practice – Seminar

2-part virtual seminar scheduled over 2 days, in 3-hour blocks. Topics include two interactive lesson studies and an enhanced topic planning protocol, with a focus on learning how the concept of functional relationships develops over time in Agile Mind courses.

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FULL – Special Education & Agile Mind – Session

90 Minute Virtual Session: This session will provide an overview of Agile Mind’s embedded support for teachers of Special Education Learners in the contained classroom and will consider the application of these design principles, and additional researched strategies, more broadly.

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REGISTRATION CLOSED – Differentiation & Agile Mind – Session

90 Minute Virtual Session: This session will provide an overview of Agile Mind’s differentiation design principles and how they connect to research and best practice in this area. Participants will collaboratively study a topic in their course through the lens of differentiation by identifying embedded differentiation tools and opportunities to include additional differentiation strategies that will be shared during the session.