Welcome! This site introduces Lee County educators to Agile Mind’s high school mathematics programs.
Explore these resources, then Log In with your district-provided username and password to review course curriculum and comprehensive supports for teachers
Blended Learning Approach
Our programs are “blended”—some essential materials are online and others are in print. Teachers engage students in learning with online explorations and animations, and both online and offline problem-solving and practice. With one projected classroom computer or a device for every student, Agile Mind transforms mathematics classrooms.
Students use Activity Sheets in class daily and for nightly homework. These can be downloaded as pdf or Word documents or purchased as consumable workbooks.
Teachers receive a printed Advice for Instruction book with comprehensive planning resources and daily lesson guidance. The Advice for Instruction is also available online.
About Agile Mind
This document details our program design and approach.
Quickstart Guide
This guide introduces key features and navigation tools.
Ready to get started?
Username: leecountystudent
Password: leecountystudent
Agile Mind Course Resources
Publisher’s Presentation
We encourage you to review the resources below, which provide a brief overview of our approach to teaching and learning and examples of classroom lessons.
Additional Resources
Math Programs Fact Sheet
Math Programs Achievement Brief
Agile Mind Problem Solving and Practice
Best Practices for Teaching ELL Students
Intensified Algebra I Fact Sheet
Intensified Algebra I Achievement Brief
Inverness Research Brief (IA)
Journal about Hillsborough (IA data snapshot)
About Intensified Algebra I
Struggling students need a powerful combination of additional time, a challenging curriculum, and cohesive, targeted supports and interventions.
Agile Mind’s Intensified Algebra I program provides comprehensive resources and teaching supports to help students stay on track, graduate on time, and gain passage to advanced learning.
This groundbreaking program melds best practices in algebra instruction with advances in developmental and social psychology and research on struggling learners to shape students’ engagement, confidence, and commitment to challenging academic courses.
Nationally Respected Authors
Our math programs are developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin.
Thank you for your time and consideration as we work together to transform achievement in math and science — for all students!
For more information
Please contact:
Lamar Grant
Director of Educational Partnerships
770-283-7960 | lgrant@agilemind.com