Are you ready to get started?

Explore resources on this page to get familiar with our middle and high school programs,
then Log In to review our curriculum and supports for teachers and students.

User name: LakeWashingtonSD
Password: LakeWashingtonSD
Role: teacher

Our Instructional Approach

Agile Mind supports collaborative learning centered on your standards that propels students to engage and to thrive in mathematics. Students learn through relevant and interactive explorations of math concepts and skills. They then consolidate and solidify new learning as they build strong connections, generalize understandings, and deepen their mastery. As a result, they achieve at higher levels.

Learn more about Agile Mind and get ready to explore our resources.

Digital and print materials
for students and teachers

WA College-Ready Math Initiative

Funded and supported by College-Spark Washington and the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the College-Ready Math Initiative (CRMI) serves thousands of students and educators in Washington with Agile Mind’s Academic Youth Development (AYD) and Intensified Algebra I programs to better prepare students for success in college.

The focus of the initiative is on helping underserved populations of students—school districts with high percentages of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch programs (50%+)—graduate from high school with strong math capabilities and skills and to avoid remediation in college. The chart included here reflects the growth in the beliefs and academic behaviors of students who participated in Academic Youth Development.

Learn more about the WA College-Ready Math Initiative.

Core Mathematics Programs

Our integrated and traditional core math pathways are grounded in research on educational practices that produce meaningful learning gains for all middle and high school students—from those facing the greatest barriers to those achieving at the highest levels.

Learn how Agile Mind connects abstract concepts with students’ everyday realities in ways that are powerfully engaging, motivating, and effective.

For teachers, support for every day offers strategies to engage your students in mathematics, motivate their learning, and help them achieve expectations.

Fact Sheets and Evidence of Success

Core Math: Traditional & Integrated Pathways

Evidence of Success

Agile Assessment

Teaching Language Learners

Problem Solving & Practice

Intensified Math Programs

Struggling students need a powerful combination of additional time, a challenging curriculum, and cohesive, targeted supports and interventions to get back on track in a single year. Agile Mind’s Intensified approach for Integrated Mathematics I and Algebra I helps students stay on track, graduate on time, and gain passage to advanced learning.

Lynnwood High school

Wapato High school

Learn how this groundbreaking program – that melds best practices in mathematics instruction with advances in developmental and social psychology and research on struggling learners – has helped our partner districts shape students’ engagement, confidence, and commitment to challenging academic courses.

Intensified Mathematics I: Alignments, Scope and Sequence 

Intensified Algebra I: Alignments, Scope and Sequence

Fact Sheets and Evidence of Success

Intensified Math

Evidence of Success

Inverness Research Brief

Authors Whose Expertise You Can Trust

Our math programs are developed in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin, whose founder, Uri Treisman, has done pioneering work throughout the country.

For the past three decades, the Dana Center has been a leader in ensuring that all students have equitable access to an excellent mathematics and science education and the results that derive from it.

Officially Reviewed by

Agile Mind Middle School Mathematics

Agile Mind Traditional Mathematics

Agile Mind Integrated Mathematics

Ready to get started?

You may log in and explore the Agile Mind programs with the user name and password provided to you.

User name: LakeWashingtonSD
Password: LakeWashingtonSD
Role: teacher

For more information

Please contact:

Katherine Plommer-Peña
Director of Educational Partnerships
916.667.2537 |