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Registration Closed – Agile Mind in Distance Learning – Session

90 Minute Virtual Session: This session will share strategies for synchronous and asynchronous learning with Agile Mind and will provide opportunities for participants to collaboratively plan a distance learning experience for their students.

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REGISTRATION CLOSED – Advancing Your Practice – Seminar

2-part virtual seminar scheduled over 2 days, in 3-hour blocks. Topics include two interactive lesson studies and an enhanced topic planning protocol, with a focus on learning how the concept of functional relationships develops over time in Agile Mind courses.

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REGISTRATION CLOSED – Leaders: Introduction to Agile Mind Core Math Programs – Session

90 Minute Virtual Session: The sessions will first describe Agile Mind’s approach to mathematics instruction, and then leaders will explore the Course Contents, Professional Support, and Data and Reporting components. Leaders will consider how the design and components in Agile Mind will support rigorous mathematics instruction at their district and schools.